Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Needing Freedom from Porn...our country does!

I love a passage that is found in Joshua 7:13. It says, "you cannot satand before your enemies until you take away the accursed thing from among you!"

The backround is that the nation of Israel are going to battle agaist a whimpy, tiny of a nation, but have run into a major roadblock! They are unable to win. The reason why is given in verse 13.

Like Isareal we at times seem to be stuck in a rut with no light in sight. The reason for this is that we need to remove an obstacle from our lives that is keeping us from experienceing the joyful freedom we so desire.

For those I talk to it's porn. 12% of the interenet is porn so many women and men have found a pleasure that has now become such a obstacle in the lives. For many who are reading this, you to have stuggled with porn more then likely and you've tried and tried to be rid of it only to fall back week after week. 50% of all internet users in any given month are porn viewers! Removing for some mean killing there TV or Computer, for others its not going to the local bar or social event. But this we must get... Unless it's removed we cannot stand.

This porn obstacle has influenced our our nation from the polititians to the homless person in the park. Even the 2008 Bush stimulus checks we recieved as a nation went to porn!

An independent market-research firm, AIMRCo (Adult Internet Market Research Company), has discovered that many websites focused on adult or erotic material have experienced an upswing in sales in the recent weeks since checks have appeared in millions of Americans' mailboxes across the country.

As crazy as it sounds, porn has been a obstacle in our nation and in our individual lives. "We cannot stand against our enemies until we take away the accursed thing from among us."

How tuff it is for the porn addiction man or women to make good decisions either when it comes to war and economics or how to manage your families expenses or dicipline your kids.

Purity before Power!

If you are reading this and have tried to "remove" porn from your life only to fail, please email me at beau@settingcaptivesfreetucson.org or visit www.settingcaptivesfree.com

1 comment:

Timotheus said...

well spoken. keep writing!