Thursday, June 10, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Sex Addiction?
“Sandra Bullock’s husband Jesse James is seeking unspecified in-patient treatment after being caught in a media storm amid reports he had multiple mistresses.”
The reason guys or girls (no one mention them, though these guys are having sex with them), engage in sex outside of marriage is simply because they are not satisfied. Not sexually by there wives, but because they have a porn view of sex, and of life. They like the women at the well in John chapter 4 went from one pleasure to another because they did not know the one who could give them satisfaction and complete pleasure. The fact is that no person on the earth can satisfy you!!! Did you hear that… I don’t care how much alike you are, you will never, ever, ever be complete in another other than your creator. Only He can give you what you need and the proper view of love which shows itself in the bedroom to the way you relate to enemies. You are complete in HIM (Christ, Colossians 2:10). The reason no one on earth can satisfy you is because they are the walking dead, mortal, & sinful. Discribing people that way helps us understand that we cannot be filled with peace and complete pleasure by this kind of entity. We need a eternall love and pleasure that brings lasting peace, not bondge. The pleasure of this world (i.e. sex) does not last, hence the need for Tiger or Jesse James to seek this false pleasure again and again.
Tiger and Jesse are products of a porn way of looking at sex as a way to be pleased (satisfied). Solomon, King David and many other Biblical guys have fallen into the same pursuit, yet for them it was accepted in the culture. They were rich, as Tiger and Jessee James and with that financial status comes the opportunity to pursue a King’s pleasures, though they will not satisfy.
Is it a addiction, sure if you define addiction as a habitual behavior that leads to destruction of family, friends and yourself. Do these guys say this to get out of the responsibility of it? Time will tell of the intents of the heart, but the only reason it’s considered bad in the culture is because of the way we currently view women (not as property as in the past) and a Christian (though it’s fading) view of marriage, one man and women for life…(this to is passing away in our culture)
Let’s look at things from a Biblical point of view and not a psychological/therapy view. ”In God’s light we see light (clearly)” Psalm 36:9
For more on this subject please check out my book, Porn & A Pastor at
Monday, November 2, 2009
Fighting the good fight!
We have been able to participate in various events in Tucson this year and look fowrad to more oppurtunities to educate Tucson with the impoact of the Porn industry in our world, and what you can do to get out! If you can use this ministry in any way please let me know! Our website is
We seek to educate, but help those in bondage and their spouses!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Joel Rosenberg 9-11 townhall at Calvary Christian
Inside the Revolution 9/11
Calvary Christian Fellowship of Tucson will be hosting via satallite the Inside The Revolution Documentary on 9/11 at 6:30 in our main worship center.
In 1979, the Ayatollah Khomeini seized power in Iran, unleashed the Islamic Revolution, and changed the world forever. Three decades later, New York Times best-selling author Joel C. Rosenberg brings you a groundbreaking documentary film that takes you inside the three most dramatic movements of our time:
•THE RADICALS—Why do Radical Muslims want to annihilate the United States and Israel? Why do they believe the Islamic Messiah’s arrival on Earth is “imminent” and the End of Days is at hand? How close are they to acquiring nuclear weapons and achieving their apocalyptic objectives?
•THE REFORMERS—Aren’t there any Muslims who believe the Radicals are wrong? Is there any real hope such Reformers can create real democracies in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere?
•THE REVIVALISTS—Is it really true that millions of Muslims are abandoning Islam and turning to faith in Jesus Christ? How is it happening? What are their stories?
Inside the Revolution is a 90-minute documentary film with extensive special features and exclusive interviews with:
•Porter Goss, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency
•Lt.-General (ret.) Jerry Boykin, former Delta Force commander and deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence
•Hon. Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel
•Senior Iraqi government officials
•Joel C. Rosenberg, author and founder of The Joshua Fund
Filmed on location in Iraq, Turkey, Morocco, Israel, the United Kingdom, and Washington, D.C.
Calvary Christian Fellowship of Tucson will be hosting via satallite the Inside The Revolution Documentary on 9/11 at 6:30 in our main worship center.
In 1979, the Ayatollah Khomeini seized power in Iran, unleashed the Islamic Revolution, and changed the world forever. Three decades later, New York Times best-selling author Joel C. Rosenberg brings you a groundbreaking documentary film that takes you inside the three most dramatic movements of our time:
•THE RADICALS—Why do Radical Muslims want to annihilate the United States and Israel? Why do they believe the Islamic Messiah’s arrival on Earth is “imminent” and the End of Days is at hand? How close are they to acquiring nuclear weapons and achieving their apocalyptic objectives?
•THE REFORMERS—Aren’t there any Muslims who believe the Radicals are wrong? Is there any real hope such Reformers can create real democracies in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere?
•THE REVIVALISTS—Is it really true that millions of Muslims are abandoning Islam and turning to faith in Jesus Christ? How is it happening? What are their stories?
Inside the Revolution is a 90-minute documentary film with extensive special features and exclusive interviews with:
•Porter Goss, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency
•Lt.-General (ret.) Jerry Boykin, former Delta Force commander and deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence
•Hon. Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel
•Senior Iraqi government officials
•Joel C. Rosenberg, author and founder of The Joshua Fund
Filmed on location in Iraq, Turkey, Morocco, Israel, the United Kingdom, and Washington, D.C.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Every TV in the United States!
By Beau J. Ouellette
Ever wonder why porn addiction in constantly growing? Well my blog for today is to give you a insight to the amazing distribution of the porn industry (movies here) to all American homes through a company called, NEW FRONTIER MEDIA based in Boulder Co.
As Internet porn gets most of the media attention, do you realize that every TV in the United States has porn piped in, ready to view through V.O.D. channels? (Video On Demand) This is not my boast, but of N.F.M. themselves. Here is a quote from their website;
?The Transactional TV segment distributes branded adult television programming to cable and satellite television companies. Content is distributed to nearly every television household in the United States. Pay-per-view and video-on-demand programming competes well with other forms of entertainment because it is offered conveniently in the comfort of user?s homes, is high quality, and at a reasonable price point. Retail customers pay as much as $14.99 for one of our features. This compares with an average of $3.99 for big Hollywood releases. The Transactional TV segment operates a 12,000 square foot digital broadcast center in Boulder, Colorado that includes a vast content library comprising over 10,000 hours of digital content.?
I thought this quote to be quite informative. This company makes it?s money from porn. As we order it on our V.O.D. you can see at a quite high price compared to the average Hollywood video, we are benefiting N.F.M. and it?s constituents. The company?s boast is that it has a huge building that holds over 10,000 hours of porn content! That?s just what we need!!! (joking)
I pray for this company?s owners. I don?t believe they know not what they do. Many, I?m sure, invest in a growing, cutting edge company like this without even knowing it. I have a I.R.A?.I wonder if some of that gets put into a company like this?
But what keeps a company like this going is me, us, you, etc?. Yes, we have laws that make porn available to all, but do we have to buy it, watch it and then come back again and again? Cable, V.O.D. is a approximate 2 billion dollar a year revenue. This is not going away, it?s too big! But for us Christians let?s go after something more pleasurable.
?You satisfy from the fullness of your house and you give us drink from the river of Your Pleasures!? Psalm 36:8
Monday, July 20, 2009
The Wrong Well...MSNBC Porn Industry Expose
I confess I watched it in fast forward most of the time. It's amazing how the news media just get's done talking with a man that has been addicted to porn for years, his life ruined, only to then show a famous porn star pole dancing in nothing?! It points to a importanat point.
"For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God."
The carnal man, and in this case MSNBC, does not understnad what they do. It seems obvious to me that showing porn, while getting done interviewing a man that has been in bondage to porn only contruibutes to ...more showing of porn..(that's what there doing)
But to those that are not thinking of the things of God they are blinded to the contradiction of it all.
The other interesting note I thought about while watching it, was that the Porn industry is no longer taboo at all. It was justified in the news piece by it's lack of critical questions to those women that were involved in the business side of the industry. I got the take the interview was as interviewing any fourtune 500 company. How are they going to survive in the economy? What is the internet doing to impoact the industry? How are the employee's comensated?
Instead you saw how "normal" the once marginal is. Women in Porn have kids, nice houses, business savy staff and marketing teams.
Let's pray for these people in the industry. For the men and women that are involved in it. They do not know the Lord and His pleasure. I was once blind but now I see and I believe the Lord is reaching out to these as well. They are simply looking for water from the wrong well. (John 4)
"He who comes to me will never be thirsty again"
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
A note to Pastor's
I too am 37 years old.
Porn has been a norm throughout my life. I mean it is not shocking or something to be thought of as discusting etc... This is my sick, sinful culture.
What really makes me disturbed is that I am getting older and the culture is more blind as ever to perversity and porn, though it is talked about all the time.
The news picks apart those in our goverment that have scandals it seems every year. People who are famous that are addicted to porn are on the front page. O'Riley comentates on a culture of youth that take photos of there sexual behavior to send then via their cell phones to friends. As it sounds so Marginal there is a amazing double standard which expresses loudly that porn is the norm.
These same news stations have the most glamourous looking ladies as there news anchors. They are articulate, smart, educated, succesful, Religious and wear provocative cloths!
It is tough for a man or lady for that matter that stuggles with porn, to view news today. It seems that the porn influence is just about everywhere. What ever happened to older news reporters? Do they all have to be models today?
This is our world.
For my generation porn is not marginal, but very much like Israel's worship of Baal and the other false God's that where about sex.
Pastors stuggle with porn. The stats say quite a bit do. There is hope in Christ as you know, but there is a need for refreshing and renewing through seeking the Glory of God.
I am one that has fallen before and am ashamed of it. It effects my family, ministry and dis-honors the Name of the Lord.
If you are out there please visit or