Monday, November 2, 2009

Fighting the good fight!

The ministry that I started this year, Running Light Ministry, was created to get the Word in our churches that Christ is more pleasurable than porn. That might shock you a bit, but it is the theme of the Bible! God is more better than anything. Psalm 36:8 'You give us drink from the river of your pleasures."
We have been able to participate in various events in Tucson this year and look fowrad to more oppurtunities to educate Tucson with the impoact of the Porn industry in our world, and what you can do to get out! If you can use this ministry in any way please let me know! Our website is
We seek to educate, but help those in bondage and their spouses!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Joel Rosenberg 9-11 townhall at Calvary Christian

Inside the Revolution 9/11

Calvary Christian Fellowship of Tucson will be hosting via satallite the Inside The Revolution Documentary on 9/11 at 6:30 in our main worship center.

In 1979, the Ayatollah Khomeini seized power in Iran, unleashed the Islamic Revolution, and changed the world forever. Three decades later, New York Times best-selling author Joel C. Rosenberg brings you a groundbreaking documentary film that takes you inside the three most dramatic movements of our time:

•THE RADICALS—Why do Radical Muslims want to annihilate the United States and Israel? Why do they believe the Islamic Messiah’s arrival on Earth is “imminent” and the End of Days is at hand? How close are they to acquiring nuclear weapons and achieving their apocalyptic objectives?
•THE REFORMERS—Aren’t there any Muslims who believe the Radicals are wrong? Is there any real hope such Reformers can create real democracies in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere?
•THE REVIVALISTS—Is it really true that millions of Muslims are abandoning Islam and turning to faith in Jesus Christ? How is it happening? What are their stories?
Inside the Revolution is a 90-minute documentary film with extensive special features and exclusive interviews with:

•Porter Goss, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency
•Lt.-General (ret.) Jerry Boykin, former Delta Force commander and deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence
•Hon. Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel
•Senior Iraqi government officials
•Joel C. Rosenberg, author and founder of The Joshua Fund
Filmed on location in Iraq, Turkey, Morocco, Israel, the United Kingdom, and Washington, D.C.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Every TV in the United States!

Posted on August 7, 2009 by runninglight
By Beau J. Ouellette
Ever wonder why porn addiction in constantly growing? Well my blog for today is to give you a insight to the amazing distribution of the porn industry (movies here) to all American homes through a company called, NEW FRONTIER MEDIA based in Boulder Co.
As Internet porn gets most of the media attention, do you realize that every TV in the United States has porn piped in, ready to view through V.O.D. channels? (Video On Demand) This is not my boast, but of N.F.M. themselves. Here is a quote from their website;
?The Transactional TV segment distributes branded adult television programming to cable and satellite television companies. Content is distributed to nearly every television household in the United States. Pay-per-view and video-on-demand programming competes well with other forms of entertainment because it is offered conveniently in the comfort of user?s homes, is high quality, and at a reasonable price point. Retail customers pay as much as $14.99 for one of our features. This compares with an average of $3.99 for big Hollywood releases. The Transactional TV segment operates a 12,000 square foot digital broadcast center in Boulder, Colorado that includes a vast content library comprising over 10,000 hours of digital content.?
I thought this quote to be quite informative. This company makes it?s money from porn. As we order it on our V.O.D. you can see at a quite high price compared to the average Hollywood video, we are benefiting N.F.M. and it?s constituents. The company?s boast is that it has a huge building that holds over 10,000 hours of porn content! That?s just what we need!!! (joking)
I pray for this company?s owners. I don?t believe they know not what they do. Many, I?m sure, invest in a growing, cutting edge company like this without even knowing it. I have a I.R.A?.I wonder if some of that gets put into a company like this?
But what keeps a company like this going is me, us, you, etc?. Yes, we have laws that make porn available to all, but do we have to buy it, watch it and then come back again and again? Cable, V.O.D. is a approximate 2 billion dollar a year revenue. This is not going away, it?s too big! But for us Christians let?s go after something more pleasurable.
?You satisfy from the fullness of your house and you give us drink from the river of Your Pleasures!? Psalm 36:8

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Wrong Well...MSNBC Porn Industry Expose

I was given a call by my partners in Running Light MInistries last night, letting me know about the up-coming Porn industry exlusive that would be aired this weekend (July 20). I actually did not want to watch it, but then my wife told me she recorded it for me to see if there were any new things that would contribute to my research on the influencce of porn worldwide.

I confess I watched it in fast forward most of the time. It's amazing how the news media just get's done talking with a man that has been addicted to porn for years, his life ruined, only to then show a famous porn star pole dancing in nothing?! It points to a importanat point.

"For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God."

The carnal man, and in this case MSNBC, does not understnad what they do. It seems obvious to me that showing porn, while getting done interviewing a man that has been in bondage to porn only contruibutes to ...more showing of porn..(that's what there doing)

But to those that are not thinking of the things of God they are blinded to the contradiction of it all.

The other interesting note I thought about while watching it, was that the Porn industry is no longer taboo at all. It was justified in the news piece by it's lack of critical questions to those women that were involved in the business side of the industry. I got the take the interview was as interviewing any fourtune 500 company. How are they going to survive in the economy? What is the internet doing to impoact the industry? How are the employee's comensated?

Instead you saw how "normal" the once marginal is. Women in Porn have kids, nice houses, business savy staff and marketing teams.

Let's pray for these people in the industry. For the men and women that are involved in it. They do not know the Lord and His pleasure. I was once blind but now I see and I believe the Lord is reaching out to these as well. They are simply looking for water from the wrong well. (John 4)

"He who comes to me will never be thirsty again"

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A note to Pastor's

I am a Pastor.

I too am 37 years old.

Porn has been a norm throughout my life. I mean it is not shocking or something to be thought of as discusting etc... This is my sick, sinful culture.

What really makes me disturbed is that I am getting older and the culture is more blind as ever to perversity and porn, though it is talked about all the time.

The news picks apart those in our goverment that have scandals it seems every year. People who are famous that are addicted to porn are on the front page. O'Riley comentates on a culture of youth that take photos of there sexual behavior to send then via their cell phones to friends. As it sounds so Marginal there is a amazing double standard which expresses loudly that porn is the norm.
These same news stations have the most glamourous looking ladies as there news anchors. They are articulate, smart, educated, succesful, Religious and wear provocative cloths!
It is tough for a man or lady for that matter that stuggles with porn, to view news today. It seems that the porn influence is just about everywhere. What ever happened to older news reporters? Do they all have to be models today?

This is our world.

For my generation porn is not marginal, but very much like Israel's worship of Baal and the other false God's that where about sex.

Pastors stuggle with porn. The stats say quite a bit do. There is hope in Christ as you know, but there is a need for refreshing and renewing through seeking the Glory of God.

I am one that has fallen before and am ashamed of it. It effects my family, ministry and dis-honors the Name of the Lord.
If you are out there please visit or

Friday, May 1, 2009

Will anyone talk about the influence of Porn?

Today on the news we have the porn influence all over it.

"The Bobbits meet again" and "Pageant Paid For Miss Calif. Implants."

What I find so interesting about these two stories on The Early Show is that neither of them mentioned porn as being a influence into the decisions for which they have received the news converge.

"Miss California Pageant Co-Director Keith Lewis confirmed on The Early Show Friday. He also said reports that the Miss California pageant helped foot the bill for the operation were true."

Maggie Rodriguez who interviewed Keith Lewis sounded appalled that getting breast implants would increase her changes of winning. It sounded a bit staged to me. I mean where does Maggie live? Pluto! Everyone today who has gone to a store has more then likely bought a doll that had a Miss America figure with... well, a we endowed set of breasts.

In the book, "The Porning of America" by Sarracino and Scott they show a picture of a Bratz doll to show how the porn model for women has become the norm. They call it, "Normalizing the Marginal."

And this is what has happened with women. Having a porn body has become the standard. This Miss California girl has been raised around pictures, shows, mannequins (In stores), books, music video's and the like that all normalize the porn look. Women over the past 40 years have been taught that there worth is that of a man's. Just as a man works and improves to get better and better at his job so a women's worth is now the same. One big problem... In emphasizing this equality or value to the society, her worth as a mother, nurturer and a child bearer has been diminished drastically.

And this is what porn does. It shows women who pursue there worth in pleasure (like a man) and not in the ability to produce a child and raise it.

This change of worth is so different then in any other time in History. Women have always been valued for there ability to have children. But not any more! This change has also lead to why in this country we have such a gender problem. Technology has made this possible. Porn has shown that women can pursue pleasure (perceived pleasure at that) and not have children.

Ok, enough of that...back to Miss California. Why get breast implants? Because we have normalized it! We like it. We all like our porn in some way or another. The influence of porn is staggering and it is not just a man problem. 1 out of 3 viewers on porn sites are... You guessed it? Women.

Psalm 4:2 How long will you love worthlessness and seek falsehood?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Two men killed themselves over money!

Posted on April 22, 2009 by runninglight | Edit
Today there were two news reports that I was troubled about. Here they are?
In Notes Left in Family?s Killings, Md. Man Details Debts, Depression
In one of six notes he left scattered about the rented house in Middletown, Christopher Wood, 34, described his financial hardships and his struggle with depression and anxiety ? factors that investigators believe contributed to the killings.

Police investigating death of Freddie Mac official
WASHINGTON (AP) ? The chief financial officer of money-losing mortgage giant Freddie Mac was found dead in his basement early Wednesday morning in what police said was an apparent suicide.
David Kellermann, 41, apparently hung himself, a law enforcement official familiar with the investigation. He asked not to be identified because the investigation was ongoing.
HOW incredibly sad this is. Due to money two men decide to take there lives with one taking the lives of his entire family. How far will we go until we realize that there is no pleasure in the temporal items of this world. There are such extreme times in a person?s life where the feeling?s of loss become so overwhelming that the only way out seems to be taking of life. I do not underestimate such feelings and believe they are real as witnessed by those in the Bible. Kind David cried out to God in anguish along with many others who were at the end of a desperate situation. But, there was the but! Let me explain. King David though going through extreme circumstances on the outward, exercised faith in His speech by using a ?but.?
Just look at Psalm 13
1 How long, O LORD? Will You forget me forever?
How long will You hide Your face from me?
2 How long shall I take counsel in my soul,
Having sorrow in my heart daily?
How long will my enemy be exalted over me?

3 Consider and hear me, O LORD my God;
Enlighten my eyes,
Lest I sleep the sleep of death;
4 Lest my enemy say,
?I have prevailed against him?;
Lest those who trouble me rejoice when I am moved.
Doesn?t sound to good for David!!! He is desperate and see?s no end??but?
5 But I have trusted in Your mercy;
My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation.
6 I will sing to the LORD,
Because He has dealt bountifully with me.
David was in desperate situations like all of us are at one time in the world. He was guilty of murder, adultery and loosing a Kingdom because of it! Talk about a failure. Yet he looked to to the Lord to be merciful. He thought in terms of how God could get the glory from this, instead of, the empty cup that so many are drinking from. God has a plan, and purpose! The two men that did such horrible things needed to know about the ?but? of the scriptures. Though they were in financial crisis, but God is merciful and compassionate (Psalm 145).
This awakens me to share the pleasure of God to others in this world, who are in desperate need. Money just does not do it! Read Ecclesiastes if you don?t believe me!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Columbine shooting

Today is the 10th year anneversary of the Columbine shooting that took place in Colorado when Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold went on a killing rampage killing 12 students and a teacher, as well as wounding 23 others, before committing suicide.
I can remember the how blown away I was wathing the news. Growing up near L.A. I was familiar with youth my age flying off the handle, but this was extreamly insane of these two people. So many look to video games, music, and the other cultural influences in teenagers as a result of this masacare, but let me give you one other that goes much more deeper in to the issues with our adult culture... EVOLUTION.
Our President Barak Obama when inaugurated listed things needing to be done in the U.S. and one of them was "We will restore science to its rightful place." Now the evolutionist I'm sure herald this statement which will become a battle cry for more evolution to be taught. How did evolution effect such a two young students? Even if not being taught it directly in school evolution propaganda is everywhere. Practically every dinasour book takes a long earth age perspective. So from child on, it is always in back of our brains. Life is in a constant stuggle of the strong vs. the week. There is no point to life, no right or wrong, no consequences, Life is what I make out of it, Life is about me! Oh, how wonderful humanism is!? The religion is atheism, "Darwin is it's prophet and evolutionary science is its sacred book."
Oh let's remember on this day how one get's to the point of thinking of taking so many people's life. There is a battle of the minds that is taking place. 2nd Corinthians 11:4 "But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ."
Religion is not the answer, but Jesus is. "I have come that they may have life and life more abundantly."

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The modern prophet (Our news)

This says the Lord concerning the prophets, Who make my people stray? Micah 3:5
I would like to think that today's prophets are not those in the pulpits of America, but our 24/7 news agency's, CNN, MSNBC & Fox News Channel, that like the prophets of ancient times are the voice peace of the country.
Have you ever watched the news (like I did this morning) and just thought, This isn't news, its commentary on the news! I think you have. These news anchors are the prophets and prophetesses of today as they critique, put down & sway public opinion through there clever spin.
In our news today I saw a CNN reporter interviewing a Father with his little girl on his shoulders at one of the Tea Party rallies that are happening all across the United States in protest of the Bank bailouts. This reporter wouldn't even let the man answer her questions, but instead saw it as a opportunity to criticize Him and the protest.
Now I love debate, but what was this reporter doing? She was putting her own opinions first on the protest before simply reporting the news. She had become a prophet to sway the nations.
For me watching, this was quite embarrassing to watch. It was a very immature move on the reporter's part. Here is a Father of a 2 year old at a peaceful protest doing what this country is founded on, the freedom to voice a public opinion on our government, and she uses it as a pulpit to argue her and those she represents agenda and doctrine. It was sad to watch.
Our news in this country is no longer news, its various prophets swaying the public. If anyone gets a chance to read Joel C. Rosenberg's new book "Inside the Revolution," please do. If you would like to get an idea of what is happening in the middle east (really what is happening), then I dare you to read it! You will get interviews from the rulers of countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, one on one discussion with those who have fled their lives, been a part of the radical Islam groups and much, much more. There words, not our news prophets.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Gay movement good for Christianity in America?

Ok, with that title I need to do some defending. Please hear me out.
I begin my defense by stating a Christian doctrine so true and foundational yet not without its proponents, ?God is Sovereign.?
This is a direct quote from the scriptures themselves (Gen 15:2)
Genesis 15:2
But Abram said, "O Sovereign LORD?
Now the awkwardness with the Sovereignty of God is abroad in the Christian culture. ?How can God be in control of all?? ?How can a Holy God allow such evil and wrong doing in the world??
On our subject we could say, ?How can God allow such behavior that by nature does not work??
But in my own heart there became a wonderfully gentle peace that has come over me when I grabbed a hold of the truth that God does all things for His Glory. (Psalm 115:1 ?Not to us but to your name be the Glory?)
All things, even evil things are allowed and purposed to His utter Glory (Job, Acts 2:23)
Now where I use to get muddled with this is when I would look at a statement like the above and then look to my own end as a argument against such a statement.
My own end, is what I think, is the right thing. This ?right thing? is usually what makes me ?Happy.? There was a time when our own happiness was not such dominant thought in the world, but more issues of survival and virtue. This ?right thing? that we all think God should be about the business of doing is birthed from our own sinful state of thinking we are the center of the universe, or ours. ?How could God allow that, look at the bloodshed and the atrocity, the injustice?? ?How does God get the Glory for that?? Notice that these common thoughts come from the perspective not of faith in what the scriptures teach, which is again, ?All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His Purpose (His Glory.) These well known arguments against the purpose of God come from our reasoning that God is not doing things as I think are right.
Now my argument is that God is purposing all things for His Glory. Whether the Pharaoh of Egypt or the Homosexual agenda in America.
I now would like to share why I believe this generation in America is allowing such behavior. One world?Guilt.
What pain is to the body, guilt is to the soul. And this generation of leaders is guilty. I remember sitting with some family members in my living room watching a sporting event when they asked where my son was. They knew he was in his room playing his ?evil? video games, wasting his 14 year old life away, yet they asked and then went on to say how bad it is to be into video games like that. I quickly thought about what I was doing at 14 as the son of a 50/60?s generation that smoked dope all day while taking off their clothes listening to the most stoned out music in the rain! I was not any different. So I asked my family members, ?Now what is it that your generation added to our society, Porn & Pot!??
My parent?s generation was a mess and has a bolder amount of guilt like yeast has gone through the batch of dough. This generation I believe is extremely guilty. Abortions are 46,000,000 since Roe v.s. Wade, We have a massive drug problem in the country, America generates more porn than any other country (90% of the porn sites are U.S. created), music has become less innovative than ever, and now Gay marriage.
To my generation this is normal behavior that?s why I think the younger generation say?s, ?what?s the big deal, let them get married, so what.? It?s not because of guilt for the younger generation, it?s plain, allowed normal behavior.
I believe the response to guilt in the leaders of this generation is either a extreme brokenness before God, and the breaking of his commandments or a further allowance of behavior that makes for a atonement for their own sins. If they were to say that Gay marriage is wrong then consequently they would have to look at their own lives of having massive sex, smoking extreme quantities of the ganja, and simply not parenting their children because they where to into their BMW?s and boats. The change of this world is a temporary change for self exaltation, while the humility and brokenness that is found in Jesus is for His exaltation. This current generation is for self exaltation.
God will purpose in the hardness of heart of this generation in such a way as to make the riches of His grace known. Simply put, ?Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more? (Rom 5:20).
God is moving all things to a place where this grace in Jesus abounds all the more. Today I know look at such trends in American culture though the lens of God?s perspective and no longer what I think is right. ?How can God allow this in America?? My answer is, ?Why not?? What makes you think God revolves around what you think and not His purpose, exalting his Glory through the grace in Jesus to a lost world?
22What if God, choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath?prepared for destruction? 23What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory?Romans 9:22
This will make uncomfortable who think of justice from their own prejudices of right and wrong. But as one famous Christian Pastor put it in his 1st Chapter, first sentence, ?It?s not about you.?
God is concerned about his Glory and the current push to have same sex marriages in America will be used by God to further the maximum Glory to His Name.
What could the results of such a law be in America? For sure a certain further distancing between Christina ethics and the worlds for sure. What if Pastor?s will have to perform same sex marriages? Some will no doubt go to jail. From the perspective of some this is bad, because who would want to go to jail? But for the one who knows the ultimate purpose of God is for His Glory jail is a opportunity to be used by the Masters Hand to minister to others and suffer, if it be the Lord?s will, to His Glory. How sufferings show the Glory of God? Because when we suffer for Christ name we show to a dying world the infinite worth of following Christ! This glorifies God. We are satisfied in Him and Him alone. ?There is nothing I desire on the earth besides you? Psalm 73:25.
If we see the allowance of more and more then it is sure to exalt the holiness of others more and more!
With this is mind, let us believers in Christ fight for what we believe in through a peaceful, law abiding way. If the Homosexual agenda in America get?s its way, I believe there victory will result in an outpouring of opportunity for those desperately trying to atone for their sins through false pleasure and allowance. No matter?God wins.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Countdown Continues - by Pastor Scott Richards

When the history of 2009 is finally written, what story will be considered the most important?

It will probably not be the economy.

Or the environment.

Or the new administration.

I believe it will be an event that will take place far away from the shores of the United States that may have a staggering effect all of the above.

Israel, Iran liable to clash in 2009 over nukes, says U.S. intel chief

Israel and Iran are liable to enter into a confrontation or a crisis sometime this year due to Tehran?s progress in its nuclear weapons program and Jerusalem?s determination to thwart it, the head of U.S. intelligence told lawmakers on Thursday.

In a report to the Senate Intelligence Committee on the potential threats as foreseen by the 16 intelligence arms of the United States, Dennis Blair said that Hezbollah, the Lebanese-based Shi?ite group which is backed by Iran, has beefed up its weapons arsenal in preparation for another round of fighting with Israel.

Blair said Hezbollah presents a formidable threat to U.S. interests, particularly if the organization feels Washington directly threatens Iran or acts against the group?s targets, infrastructure, and leadership.

When the inevitable happens and Benjamin Netanyahu is named Israel?s new Prime Minister, his job one will be to deal decisively with the imminent threat of an Iranian nuclear bomb.

A growing consensus among intelligence experts puts the development of such a nuke within the next 8-10 months.

Adding to the pressure is the increasingly cozy military relationship between Iran and Russia, including the installation of state of the art anti-aircraft defenses at key nuclear development sites.

If Israel is to prevent Mahmoud Ahmadinejhad from having the capability to make good on his threat to wipe the Jewish nation off the map, they will have to act and act quickly.

If I may engage in a bit of Scripturally influenced speculation, I believe that no later than this Fall, we will see a successful destruction of a large part of Iran?s nuclear facilities.

Where does the Scripture give insight into this?

In Ezekiel 38-39, the now famous account of the future Gog and Magog invasion of Israel, there are two significant details presented.

Iran is mentioned as a part of this invading coalition of nations, but not in an independent capacity.

Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya are with them, all of them with shield and helmet; Gomer and all its troops; the house of Togarmah from the far north and all its troops?many people are with you. (Ezekiel 38:5-6)

Since a nuclear armed Iran could act independently in its desire to do in six minutes what it took Hitler six years to do, their subservient role in this prediction strongly hints that they will not achieve that capacity.

Since Ahmadinejhad and the mad Mullahs believe that the 12th Imam, their Muslim messiah will only come at the height of world wide conflict, it is in their interest to stir the pot.

In other words, if they have a nuclear weapon, they would not hesitate to use it aggressively in their desire to fulfill prophecy.

So since Israel will be around to be invaded in the Last Days, and will live for a time in a state of security from their enemies, it seems that an Iranian bomb is a non starter.

The only way that their ambitions in his area will be frustrated will not be through diplomatic or economic sanctions.

It will take a military strike.

Israel recognizes that they cannot depend on the US to do this.

Odds are that we will see Israel make such a move. And when it does, the entire world balance will be altered.

To view more Blogs from Pastor Scott Richards visit

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What a football..uh porn!

Well once again the Super Bowl game has given us more then we asked for!
Fortunately for me I didn't see it, but of course when I got on the internet it was posted all over the place. Tucson AZ, comcast company got something a bit tweeked and well... a hard core porn scene was what we got for 10 seconds.
Im sure this is no shocker to us who saw the Janet Jackson breast shot a couple of years ago, but this deffinately was a step up on the rating scale.
This is just another case where porn has become the norm in our life. As the Super Bowl game was on another cable network, Spike TV, was showing the Adult Video Awards from Las Vegas! It's the grammy's for porn! I wonder how they rate who's the best actor or actress? And who votes? Who goes to these events too?
Many of you probably are aware that many actors got there start in the porn industry in the 70's and producers as well. It's a great place to start I guess. Unfortuately for many there is no get out of jail free card. Many get abused by the industry while others make a killing of a profit!
Hard core porn is just no longer .... Hard Core!
You have Jr. High students engaging in hard core like relations, videoing it on there cell phone and sending it to there friends! Now that's Hard Core!
The pursuit of false pleasure is endless. Why is this bad?
Because false pleaseure leads to destruction. It looks like a porn addict, a young women with babies or a young mother aborting her child. How many millions upon millions of people are in bondage to porn? Addictions don't love anybody, but the substance.
So at the A.V.A. in Vegas people are on the stage with happy smiles thinking they are movie stars, yet what a illussion! No longer to those who make it in the San Fernando Valley the main producers of porn, but now through technology all of us can produce and show our own porn to millions!
The super bowl is the most watched sporting event other then the Wordcup and olympics, so it seems appro-poe to have what has become mainstreame in on all the action. As one writter wrote..."Would you like porn with that burger?"

Psalm 4: 2 How long, O men, will you turn my glory into shame [a] ?
How long will you love delusions and seek false gods